
The module lichess.format lets you choose the format for games and other data (JSON, PGN, SINGLE_PGN, or PYCHESS).

lichess.format.PGN = <lichess.format._Pgn object>

Produces a PGN string, or a generator for PGN strings of each game.

>>> from lichess.format import PGN
>>> pgn ='Qa7FJNk2', format=PGN)
>>> print(pgn)
[Event "Casual rapid game"]
>>> pgns = lichess.api.user_games('cyanfish', max=50, format=PGN)
>>> print(len(list(pgns)))
lichess.format.SINGLE_PGN = <lichess.format._SinglePgn object>

Produces a PGN string, possibly containing multiple games.

>>> from lichess.format import0 SINGLE_PGN
>>> pgn = lichess.api.user_games('cyanfish', max=50, format=SINGLE_PGN)
>>> print(pgn)
[Event "Casual rapid game"]
lichess.format.PYCHESS = <lichess.format._PyChess object>

Produces a python-chess game object, or a generator for multiple game objects.

>>> from lichess.format import PYCHESS
>>> game ='Qa7FJNk2', format=PYCHESS)
>>> print(game.end().board())
. . k . R b r .
. p p r . N p .
p . . . . . . p
. . . . . . . .
. . . p . . . .
P . . P . . . P
. P P . . P P .
. . K R . . . .
lichess.format.JSON = <lichess.format._Json object>

Produces a dict representing a JSON object, or a generator for multiple dicts. This is the default format.

>>> from lichess.format import JSON
>>> game ='Qa7FJNk2', format=JSON) # or leave out
>>> print(game['players']['white']['user']['id'])